NFA Gun Trusts vs. Standard Process
The NFA (National Firearms Act) Gun Trust is a Revocable Firearms Trust that enables you to purchase Title II/Class 3 items and allows you to pass down your NFA items to trustees in the event of your death.
NFA Trusts
Can have MultipleTrustees/Beneficiaries
No CLEO signature
Every single person on the trust must fill out a responsible persons form: 5320.23
Two fingerprint cards and a photograph are required for Form 5320.23
Typical turn-around time from purchase of Title II/Class 3 item to pickup is over a year.
Protects trustee's firearms assets even after death
A good resource for information on NFA Trusts is the Gun Trust Laywer Blog from the Law Offices of David M. Goldman out of Jacksonville, FL.
Standard Process
No CLEO signature is required any longer
ATF turn-around time is currently quicker than Trusts
Two fingerprint cards and a photograph are required for Form 5320.23
Only you can handle/own that Title II/Class 3 item
Questionable as to whether Title II/Class 3 items are inheritable or if possession of them is a 3rd degree felony after your death.